The route towards Happiness

Very often times in your life you focus on doing and choosing only those things that makes you truly happy. And why won’t you. You have always been taught to do things that make you and others happy. Happiness is something that you always and will always choose first. Your happiness and satisfaction of the mind. Happiness of your loved ones. You focus so much on the fact of “choosing” to be happy.

What you fail to understand is that it is your interest that keeps you satisfied and happy. It is the elixir that keeps you going even when you feel like giving up any time. We choose things that interest us and we end up being happy. In other words, we don’t choose our interests based on how much they are able to make us happy-such interests do not last long to keep us satisfied.

Then there are situations when you give up, because a particular thing no more seems interesting. You give up on your work, your projects, your way of living, your relationships because “Hey! This thing is getting boring….I can’t go on anymore!” Give it a thought. Why something that once made you so happy, started getting boring, as for you to think about giving it up? Because it was never of your interest from the beginning. We jump into decisions, we jump into situations, most of the times, because we get lured by the bug that make things and the future look so interestingly interesting and promising.

So many people out there living their lives doing things that doesn’t really interest them. So many people who give up on their dream jobs or professions to pursue their true interest. If you have interest on something, you will surely keep on going. If you don’t, you will either spend your time cursing your life or putting the blame on someone else. Your interest can take you places you can never think of in the beginning. What matters is the little amount of risk that you need to take to pursue your interest.

When the going gets tough, stop to see if it is of your interest.

If yes, go on, for the tough will then get going.

If not, step out of it and go on to do things that interest you.

Georgia O’Keeffe said,“I think it’s foolish for people to want to be happy. Happy is so momentary-you’re happy for an instant and then you start thinking again. Interest is the most important thing in life. Happiness is temporary, but interest is continuous.

So basically, that’s how it actually is.

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